Magnificent Beast Within

Magnificent Beast Within

You never really realize how massive some things are until you approach them. Giving them an appropriate distance is important, not only for your safety but for theirs as well. No one wants to startle a beast when you know you are approaching one. It could be a kind,...

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Flowers and Focal Points

Enjoying my new camera, I experimented with the focal point feature. With multiple focal points I tried to get a middle focus or somewhere in-between. Notice one little bud off to the right is more in focus than the foreground and flowers behind. To me, the eye...

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Silhouettes in the Night

Silhouettes in the Night

Honestly I don't which I loved sons coming out with me to explore the vast sky or the challenge to capture the sky and the beauty that seemed endless. Arches National Park is now a registered Dark Sky Park, which to my surprise I realized last week when I...

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Tree Branch Design

Tree Branch Design

Call me evil. But I can't get enough of this view. We've had a rough winter, not just in Maryland, and I am really looking forward to this blue sky with tree branches having their beautiful pink/white blooms don't get me wrong. But there is something majestic about...

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Photo Art is a great way to get the creative mind going again. In attempts to post frequently again, I am forcing myself to just do it and not worry so much about whether I think its good enough to share. I enjoyed creating this image because it was a challenging...

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Flying Patterns

Picture this image with the sounds of loons calling and fish splashing. No noises from humans. They are sleeping. This is the time of the day I love most in Canada. I took this photo last year and came across it today while searching for something else. I am drawn to...

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