Back Away: When Your Art Gets Too Comfortable
Build a Relationship with Your Art Sometimes in life you need to think long-term. When you see something that inspires you it is hard to hold back. But that very inspiration needs to be approached with deeper understanding of what really inspired you. I admit I took...
Something’s Are Beyond Our Control or Are They?
Sitting here on a cold morning trying to wrap my head around things. Sometimes feeling helpless and powerless about things as I look into the future of the environment, human rights, and health. I am listening to songs that I have written in the past 2 years and...
Beautiful Lines of Nature
On a hike at Grand Teton National Park, I stopped for a drink of water and couldn’t avoid the shimmering light and delicate soft lines. I really wanted to capture this, which was a challenge with the busy background. Nature has a way of sneaking up on you like this.
Photography and Songwriting: A Perfect Match
Mixing Photography and Songwriting When I started this blog over a decade ago (yikes), it was strictly for sharing my photographs and inspiring stories. It even grew to the point where I was selling prints and participating in some local shows (nothing fancy, but...
A Tranquil Moment: Loon Lake Canada
Early morning kayaking pays off. I captured this little fella nibbling on a lily pad flower during a quiet paddle on Loon Lake in Canada one summer day. As I sit here now, listening to the soft raindrops and pleasant songs of happy birds, this moment I captured...
Magnificent Beast Within
You never really realize how massive some things are until you approach them. Giving them an appropriate distance is important, not only for your safety but for theirs as well. No one wants to startle a beast when you know you are approaching one. It could be a kind,...
Flowers and Focal Points
Enjoying my new camera, I experimented with the focal point feature. With multiple focal points I tried to get a middle focus or somewhere in-between. Notice one little bud off to the right is more in focus than the foreground and flowers behind. To me, the eye...
The Dancing Rose
Rose Gray Scale Gives a Dancing Feel In this photograph I was looking to transform a rather dull colored photo of rose into something that conveys movement while setting a melancholy mood. This is a photograph of a red rose. Something so beautiful that requires so...
Silhouettes in the Night
Honestly I don't which I loved sons coming out with me to explore the vast sky or the challenge to capture the sky and the beauty that seemed endless. Arches National Park is now a registered Dark Sky Park, which to my surprise I realized last week when I...
When Moose Mocks
When you go on a hike with the name Moose in it and find out the Moose are hanging out at the public beach area instead. We had never seen a moose this close. Having done our fair share of moose hunting in Maine and Eastern Canada we got a double whammy to be...
Take a Moment: Inspirations of Nature
Inspiration from outside. Quiet. A place that often seems there but never found. A spot held close in our heart to cherish. Close your eyes. Listen. Many choral sounds of every bird imaginable are paired with the soften chirps and vibrations of the earth in her...
Abstracting Longwood Gardens
Longwood Garden Light Display Just awhile ago I had the pleasure of visiting Longwood Gardens in PA. While the crowds were a bit overwhelming, the spectacular exhibits were not. But beyond the typical light images that I enjoy taking a step outside my comfort zone and...
Holiday Challenge: Abstract Photography
Holiday Abstract By Jennifer Triplett The mission of this photography session was to create the lights as if they were floating by themselves and to make them apear at different levels which was achieved with stepping my camera lens manually.
Abstract Photography: The Storm
Fun Friday or Freedom Friday. Happy Solstice! My way to do something a little different that comes from studio work. Freedom to be creative and explore the unknown and simply see what transpires. This photography of lights was actually taken while moving in a car at...
Tree Branch Design
Call me evil. But I can't get enough of this view. We've had a rough winter, not just in Maryland, and I am really looking forward to this blue sky with tree branches having their beautiful pink/white blooms don't get me wrong. But there is something majestic about...
Here’s to Seeing Flowers Again
Looking Forward to Seeing Flowers I am looking forward to seeing flowers like this rose again soon. I took this photo in the fall. When I notice the beautiful fall colors surrounding me, I overlooked this brilliant colored rose. I really loved the color of the orange...
Transforming Photography
Photography Beyond the Photograph Photography by Jennifer Triplett The beauty of photography is that it captures a moment in time and that you can use it to evoke feelings. With that said, there are allot of opinions as to at what point photography transforms itself...
Rescued Wolves in the Snow
Wolves that Were Rescued I recently visited the Wolf Sanctuary in Pennsylvania and was able to take loads of photos of them in the snow. Of course I would have preferred taking photos of them in the wild, but they were magnificent creatures. Unfortunately people...
Flowers: Celebrating a New Camera
Flowers with a Touch of Imperfection After much waiting and researching and waiting and then researching again, I final replaced my good old Rebel xTi. I haven't looked back. My new camera is the Canon 7D. Here is one of my first shots outside. I chose an easy...
Canadian Reflections
While kayaking (thank you spell check!) in Canada, I was able capture this shot with my PowerShot. The water was so calm, that the slightest breeze made this delicate wave. The reflections look like beautiful strokes of paint. It was a remarkably calming experience....
Photography: Weekly Challenge Unfocused
We all need to be unfocused at times.
Soft and Intricate
Originally not a very exciting photograph, I decided to see if there was any creative hope to make this viewer-worthy. Who can't resist blowing the dandelion seeds? My son does it all the time. But I never really paid much attention to the dandelion. It's a weed. But...
Car Photography: Engines in Abstract
Study of Cars and Design. This is the cleanest engine I have ever seen. I can only imagine the work that went into keeping it this way, especially in our high pollen area. I never realized how many shapes there are in engines. Quite frankly, engines are not things I...
The Docks of California: Seal Style
This brings back memories. Taken many moons ago, when I was working on an automated concept vehicle project. I managed to captured this moment on the docks of California. Although I didn't get too much time to enjoy my visit (it was a business trip), I did get a...
Take the Time
Enjoy your day and the precious moments it will provide. There is always something special about the combination of water and rocks. Both are extremally powerful in their own way. I could watch endlessly, thinking of the comparisons and contrasts between the two and...
Photo Art is a great way to get the creative mind going again. In attempts to post frequently again, I am forcing myself to just do it and not worry so much about whether I think its good enough to share. I enjoyed creating this image because it was a challenging...
Moon Glow: Falling of the Face of the Earth
Falling off the face of the Earth. Staring out towards the ocean late one night from our hotel balcony, I couldn't help but feel compelled at the sense of endlessness that this Moon Glow created. The black sky being illuminated by the full bright white moon made such...
Photography Using Close-Up Filter
Experimenting with photography outside, I took 3 closeup lenses from my old Vivitar and placed them over my Canon EOS. You would think I went into Photoshop and did some crazy blur filter or something. Sorry...what you see is what you get. This is an image of dried...
Photo Weekly Challenge: Distortion of Love
Well...I'm a little late, however I could not resist "Distortion" as last week's 'Weekly Photo Challenge'. This image above was distorted in Photoshop and from a photograph I took of car rear lights. The heart (love) appeared out of nowhere.
A Reflection on Rain with a Latte
When it rains I feel time stops a little and slows down, taking time to see things in a new light. This photograph was taken while I was sitting in carpool at school. I was completely bored out of my mind. Then while staring off into la la land I saw how the raindrops...
Abstract to Abstract, Round 2
Is there really a Wordless Wednesday? I have no words left. I created this tonight while I was programming in HTML (Java). I needed something creative to do. So, I used my laptop for artwork and my desktop for work-work. Laptop battery is dying must post this....
Flying Patterns
Picture this image with the sounds of loons calling and fish splashing. No noises from humans. They are sleeping. This is the time of the day I love most in Canada. I took this photo last year and came across it today while searching for something else. I am drawn to...
Drawing With Your Camera
Who said the camera was for simply clicking? Go ahead open up your lens for awhile. Have some fun. Shake it. Swirl it. Move it in a pattern. Burn a couple of calories. Who knows what you'll come up with. This was taken with my Canon Rebel. Shutter open for what seemed...
Nature and Design, Abstract Naturalist
Nature and design. A perfect team. Consider all of the amazing things we see from day to day. From the simple shapes to the complex squiggles. It's all there; design. Patterns from shadows, branches against a sky; it's still there. But take what you see a step further...
Photograpy: Circles of Sunlight
In my opinion there is nothing more beautiful than watching the sun glisten off water. Especially when there is movement. In this scenario the sun was creating a glare, however the glare was moving with the waves. This pattern of movement was behind a rope with river...
Grammy Got a Sports Car, Lens to Lens 2
Grammy got her sports car she has been wanting. Sunroof and all. I should say my mom. She is impressed with XM radio, I'm impressed with the USB port. I decided to take the opportunity to take some photos with my new cell phone, which unfortunately is not an iPhone...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Hope
Yesterday was an amazing day here in Maryland. I took the opportunity to walk along the Severn River at a local beach which is part of Sullivan's Cove. There is a live bog here, which is vital to filtering out pollutants. I had no intention of doing a Weekly Photo...
Study of Lights: Abstract to Abstract
This Photographic Art piece was a creation from a photography light study I did last month. I took the image further in post production to create a feeling of movement created by vibration. I just thought I would share it. The nice thing about lights, is that when you...
The Rising Sun Among Shadows
An instant inspiration tonight as I was completely lacking creative thought from a long day of web development and bookkeeping. The hallway ceiling light was making wonderful patterns that I just had to take a photo of to share. Then when I brought it into my photo...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Simple
Simple. It's funny how a simple compositional idea can inspire you to do something creative. I took this photo today. We had our first accumulation of snow/ice. A mere 1/2". The shapes of the ice and the bulb complemented each other even though they come from two...
Metal Art Series, Recycling Photography
Photography gone wrong was recycled in post production. This was a failed attempt at photographing a reflection off of a metal trash can. But I decided to keep it because the metal image might make an interesting design element in a future project. So, I gave it a...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Peaceful, While Photoshop Sleeps.
5:45 a.m. Photoshop was resting from a long night of designing. Facing directly East was a beautiful sunrise that I refused to go outside for. I was warm and snug with coffee in my hand. Not a chance! So I decided to an experiment inside. The effect was created by the...
Photography: Branching Out
This photograph was taken with close up lenses that used on my old faithful Vivitar Camera. Just for fun I thought I'd give it a try. I screwed together two close up lenses and held them over my Digital Camera Lens. The idea was to abstract a tree branch so that it...
Photography of a Geometric Sunrise, Ocean City Maryland
Photography from inside hotel balcony. The balcony looks over the indoor pool and also out over to the ocean. Some may see these bars as an eye sore, however they have a wonderful geometric design to them. Paired with a sunrise and horizon line it makes for an...
Photography: Water Imitating Art
On the other side is the Kennedy Space Center. The colors made spectacular patterns with the rippling of the water in this photograph. It was so incredible they looked like a painting. These photographs were taken just across the shore of...
PhotoArt: And Now for Something Completely Different
Using Photoshop has allowed me to be able to use photography as a canvas and further create art using color, design, expression and just have some plain old fashion fun. Click on the large size to see all the waves of brilliant neon colors. This took about 4 hours to...
Photography with Meaning: Beyond a Pretty Sunset
This photograph means more to me than a mere snapshot of a sunset. My son is responsible for this image being captured yesterday. This is what makes it special. I will now try to explain. Today is my birthday and he does not realize he gave me the best gift ever. Last...
Photography: The Bald Eagle, an Icon for our Earth
This head shot photo of a Bald Eagle was taken with my Canon Rebel XTi. Nothing more needs to be said about this bird, except it is majestic and beautiful. The look in his eye is strong and determined. Enjoy the photo and treasure what the Bald Eagle symbolizes not to...
Lens to Lens, Photography of Reflections
Photography can be a great way to take a seemingly normal image and expose a beauty in it you may never have noticed before. This is what happened when I was taking photos of the obvious: trees, flowers, and birds outside my home. I glanced down as my son's basketball...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Winter at the Beach
There are many beautiful places to see in the winter. Some of which are only quiet in the winter. For example, the beaches in Eastern Shore Maryland. Typically a tourist attraction during the summer months, Ocean City becomes a a locals only kind of scene. Here you...