Build a Relationship with Your Art

Sometimes in life you need to think long-term. When you see something that inspires you it is hard to hold back. But that very inspiration needs to be approached with deeper understanding of what really inspired you. I admit I took this photo of my son who snuck away to capture this giant beast. Instead of yelling at him and startling the giant animal, I had to have faith and remain calm. Kind of how I need to approach releasing a new song. I can’t just yell out the world and alert people. I need to remain calm and observe what the song really means to me and how it can resonate with others.

When we are in our craft for so long our creative obsession can block the work from continuing to grow.

The way it is received now/today doesn’t reflect its staying power. “I resonate to that song and want to hear it again and again. It is important to relax don’t rush. I am learning this as I get excited to finish a song and just want to get it out there. Wrong! The song is much more than the music. It is the story. The imagery. In life this can be applied to many of our other accomplishments. We get so wrapped up in the excitement sometimes we forget to step back, think and explore what you have created. Basically, build a relationship with it.

**I discuss with my son never to approach an animal like this again, especially with a red shirt on!***

Boy taking photo of an Elk

Photography by Jennifer Triplett