Sometimes it takes others to tell you to slow down or you’re working too hard. Me I have a dog. A dog who yearns for love and affection. Just the other day I was working late when I glanced down to see this adorable face. Of course being the cell phone photo-taking addicted person that I have become, I just had to take this shot and attribute humor to it. It really was a funny and enlightening moment. So I went from doing my book keeping to being creative (huge improvement). Thanks Duke! Do your pets ever let you know it’s time to close the laptop or put down the cell phone?
Duke passed away from nasal cancer. He will be greatly missed. Sometimes in life something special comes your way and touches you. Cheerish that.
Yes, mine do also! First one paw and a cute look, then the second paw and a grrr, finally a push and a woof. OK! I’ll play with you!
Duke’s adorable [and the shot of course] and yes, same here! She goes ping pong from me to my husband and presses with her paw either our hands or the keyboard! I suppose they are too victims of technology! 😉