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The Road is Lonely

This photograph means more to me than a mere snapshot of a sunset. My son is responsible for this image being captured yesterday. This is what makes it special. I will now try to explain. Today is my birthday and he does not realize he gave me the best gift ever. Last night,  my 9 year old son ran to me with an excited voice. “Mommy come see this amazing sunset! Look at the color!” This is the special part…..Many times I have blabbered on and on to my children about the sunsets in the winter and have drawn their restless eyes over to the window, where they looked and wandered off. You can’t imagine how thrilled I was that he brought this sunset to my attention. It’s a personal goal to make my children aware of natural beauty and encourage their desires to be creative. (Recently discovered video games have become a challenge with this goal. They talk about them even when they are turned off.) Capturing my attention, he commanded that we take a photo from his room so that it would be from high up with a better view. Acting quickly, in order to capture the changing brilliant reds, I went auto mode on my Canon. The screening presented a challenge. By covering the flash,  just enough light captured the color without creating reflection from the screen. So as simple as it seems, I have already received the best birthday gift ever. It reminds me of how important my influence is on his short time of childhood. Discovering nature and art is just one small part. Spending time together sharing thoughts and solutions is major. This photo has not been enhanced.