My name is Duke. I have taken over Jenn’s blog. Being inspired by such greats as Bongo and Dog Days, I decided to go out on my own and write my story. …just for the fun of it. My mom needs a break. She works hard to build her business and raise the boys. I have been blessed to join this family in an unforeseen and tragic circumstance. To say my life has been filled with joy is true. However, my life has also been tough and at times seemed not fair. As a puppy I roamed the streets of Baltimore with my twin brother. Yes dogs can have twins also..identical even; which is what we are.

I guess I am mostly writing my story so that my boys will have it forever and because I treasure them dearly, as they treasure me. I can tell. The sweet smiles that pass my way. The instant hugs. The occasional private talks about worries or joys that they share privately with me. I see my job is important. But the journey to get here was long and hard. While I was roaming as a puppy it was cold, although I never really experienced the warmth of snuggles as a baby my brother and I were happy. Until we got hungry and more aware. Why would someone abandon us? Were we bad? And is life always going to be this hard? Then suddenly without any notice we were captured. Kind voices surrounded us and hunger was soon fed. We liked this new life. Strangers would come and visit. They would talk to us. Some would even take us out to play with. We would never see them again, but they were a relief to being cooped up.

I missed my brother, who I didn’t get to see much of. We were a team before. Chasing down the street rats. Keeping close so we could stay warm at night. Then one day I heard low whispers and saw gloomy faces. I sensed sadness and worry, which in turn scared me. Was it my brother? Was he ill? Days went by and I stopped eating. I even got into a fight with another dog. Then the day that changed my life happened. A kind face stared at me. She came closer and talked with me and to my delight took me for a long ride. When we stopped I was led into a building that had comfy places to sit on and a play area that had grass. I wondered about my brother from time to time but felt certain he was safe. See just days before I left, I saw him being walked out by a couple on a leash who looked at him with adoring eyes.

Arriving at my new place wasn’t easy at first, there many other animals who later shared with me they had similar situations before arriving there. My owner cared for me very much and trained me to fit into the lifestyle of living in a home. I made allot of friends while staying with her. Some would go away forever and I would worry until the others explained that the reason we were here was to find a forever home. They also explained that others were not as lucky as they lay waiting for someone to come by their kennel hoping that someone would see how much love they could bring into their home. One dog, who was a brilliant red, told me that I was probably the luckiest dog he has ever know. He continued to explained that I was 8 hours from being put to sleep. Whatever that means. I like naps.

Almost a year past and I realized that my forever home was likely this home. My friend, who was brilliant red, was still with me and by now we were like brothers. We often slept side by side (avoiding the cats).

January 14. 2014