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The Road Is Lonely

New Release

The Road Is Lonely

by Jennifer Triplett

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New Release

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by Jennifer Triplett | Mamma Got Soul

Upcoming Releases

Future Album: Mamma Got Soul

This list of songs will continue to have content added as the design and promotional packages are completed. Join my mailing list to get release announcements for all of these singles and the future album ‘Mamma Got Soul’ in 2025. My goal is to release 20 of my songs by the end of 2025.

The Songbird

Anticipate release date December 2024.

Celebrating the victory of re-gaining one’s identity

A Token Given to You

Planned for January.

Weeds in My Heart

Anticipated release date February 2024. Weeds in my Heart is about the heartache and final joy of independence coming out of the wrong relationship.

Sweet Sweet Love

Anticipate release date February 2024. Sweet Sweet Love you’ll always remember, however childish it was.

We All Love the Same

A parent’s fight to keep their child safe as they attempt to cross the border to a safer world.

Paintings on My Wall

Precious memories of being a mother.

It’s Magic

A call out to take notice of the magic around that nature has gifted all of us.

He Cried Momma

A story inspired by the Freddie Gray tragedy.